The annual- What’s On Dubai Awards is a highly anticipated event in the city’s events calendar. As the established authority on the best of leisure, culture and entertainment in Dubai, the awards strengthen the brand and reputation of What’s On as the go-to source for residents and visitors alike. 

What's On Dubai Awards 2024

Boost Revenue through Competition! 

Winning an award provides invaluable marketing exposure and prestige for the victorious establishments. Past winners have leveraged their success, seen increased patronage and grown their customer base as a result of the accolade. It sets the winners apart from competitors and signals to consumers that this is a of-note location. This competitive advantage and boost in revenues are greatly valued by the business community.

With voting now open, the campaign to secure public support is in full swing. Savvy venues will be promoting their nomination across their own digital channels and leveraging their database to drive traffic to the voting portal. Some may offer incentives like discounts or giveaways for those who vote. The marketing spend behind such a customer-get-out-the-vote effort will be carefully calculated against the sizable returns of potential award recognition. 

What's On Dubai Awards 2023

Given awards are divided into wide-ranging categories from restaurants to attractions to wellness providers, all manner of for-profit firms across Dubai‘s booming tourism and leisure economy have reason to enter. The competition to come out on top will be fierce, with larger brands using their budgets behind polished PR and advertising pushes in the race for votes and future profits. 

A Must Attend Ceremony 

What’s On is a smart operator to monetize the Awards through venue entry fees. Not only does this cover event costs, it ensures only serious and invested businesses participate. The exclusive gala award ceremony itself also generates sponsorship revenue through tables and branding opportunities. With past events attendance reportedly in the thousands, this is a prime networking platform and valuable exposure for participating sponsor brands too.

Ultimately the Awards benefit What’s On’s own bottom line, as the must-attend occasion each year cementing their position as leaders in the regional market. This status allows premium advertising rates to be charged across the multiple platforms distributing event coverage and listings throughout the year. A virtuous cycle is created whereby venues invest in the process to gain traction, and in turn What’s On leverages this activity profitably across their business.

Attend Ceremony 

Come next March and the 2024 Awards show itself, all the campaigning and associated spending will have been worth it for the most successful nominees. With trophies in hand, the real earnings impact can begin as winners capitalize on fresh marketing momentum and customer gravitating to their award-winning brands. It will be another financial success.