Victory is for those who dare to dive toward their goals. Nobody knows what is waiting for us in the future. But what we know is that our future depends on the actions that we deliver in our present. This is no venture that construed the challenging discovery of the ‘Theory of Relativity

A simple direction of hard work and resilience towards the objective will always conclude with success and fulfillment. Business Outreach Magazine is more than excited to bring the story of a unique consulting firm from the United States of America, where the rise of a business is limitless when it comes to expansion and lateral movement in the tech space

A Brief Background :

The consulting firm is one of its kind in the United States market that offers not only relevant expertise in Machine Learning and Business Analytics but also caters to the industry of Social Media branding, Patents, Environmental Research and consulting in Inclusion and Diversity. With these phenomenal portfolios, we bring our avid readers the journey of Zeus under the leadership of Johny Kolimi.

Zeus is empowered by a team of industry experts. The company was founded by Johny Kolimi, who has one true goal to attain, which is to provide end-to-end solutions for businesses. From undertaking Tech and Marketing projects, Zeus has a broad clientele in the industry of Information Technology, Machine Learning and Healthcare, online stores as well.

Simultaneously with the wide range of services offered by the brand, they are also considered a “Branding Company” on one hand and a “Compliance Company” on the other hand. What attracts the clients to Zeus is that in an over-saturated market in the United States, Zeus stands as one company with multiple consulting services. 

Struggles and Success Stories :

Johny Kolimi sits with Business Outreach Magazine to share his two cents and we are nothing short of awestruck with the charm and charisma of this young founder. In his journey of life and challenges, his light of motivation is his mother, father, and his sister. 

Working for over 30 years in healthcare, Johny’s mother made sure that her son and daughter got to achieve the success they seek. Johny’s sister with a PhD degree taught him patience and motivated him along with giving him the encouragement that is required to succeed in anything in life. 

And a father, who taught Johny that humbleness and gratitude will take a person a long way to gain people’s trust and loyalty. There will be naysayers on every road and Johny handled them with nothing short of respect while showing his true potential in life after excelling in his MBA degree in the United States.

Johny who is also called Joe by his peers is the type of leader who is comfortable with his roadmap and his business strategy. His plans are very vibrant as he is working in Tech but wants to retire as a Master Perfumer, moving through industries and domains. Hoping to break into the luxury product market 10 years from now.  

Key Takeaways :

Believe us when we say that Joe was an average student with eyes to gain the beautiful experiences of life. Zeus is founded on the pillars of equality and a team that supports the agility of fresh graduates along with the wisdom of seasoned professionals, Johny always resonated with the requirement of Zeus with skills that aligned mostly with the industry experts  

We are short of words when we say that Zeus is dynamic and also has plans to pursue adventures in space research in collaboration with a long-time friend from Canada. Hence the astronomical rise of the new age leaders who are not in the norm but are above the “herd”

He is the CEO, who prefers to title himself a Founder and Director of Business operations so that he will be equal and always an employee for his team. Johny Kolimi with Zeus Vision speaks together as, “You are not here to compete, but to dominate”.