The UCC Bill was presented to the state assembly on Tuesday by the administration of Uttarakhand, which Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami leads.

Uttarakhand Uniform Civil Code

According to the Uniform Civil Code of Uttarakhand, cohabiting couples are required to register with the district authorities, with parental approval required for those under 21. As stipulated in the UCC Bill, the partners must register within a month of moving in together. If this is not done, the partners risk a minimum three to six-month jail sentence, a fine of ₹25,000, or both.

How can I sign up for a live-in relationship?

When living together, a couple should give a statement of their living arrangements to the closest registrar, who will review it and perform a quick investigation.

The registrar may call the partners for confirmation during the investigation.

Following the verification, the registrar has 30 days from the date the statement was submitted to decide whether to register the statement or not and issue a registration certificate. If the partners are refused, the authorities will provide written notice to them explaining their decision.

When will live-in relationships no longer be registered?

The UCC Bill states that relationships that violate public morality, involve a married or cohabiting partner, involve a minor partner, or result in coercion or fraud to secure a partner’s agreement to live in will not be recorded as live-ins.

Registered live-in relationships are terminated.

According to the UCC Bill, either partner or both of them may cancel the live-in relationship registration by sending a formal statement. It must be turned in to the district authority in the way that is specified. If the person is under 21 years old, they are considered minors, and the authorities will notify their guardians or parents.

What is the Uttarakhand 2024 Uniform Civil Code Bill?

The UCC Bill was introduced in the state legislature today by the administration of Uttarakhand, led by Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, on Tuesday. A group headed by retired Supreme Court judge Ranjana Prakash Desai was established by the state government to develop the UCC in 2022.

A draft report consisting of four volumes and more than 740 pages was created by a group that included retired justice Pramod Kohli, social activist Manu Gaur, former chief secretary of Uttarakhand Shatrughan Singh, and vice-chancellor of Doon University Surekha Dangwal.

The panel engaged with over 60,000 people, conducted 43 public outreach programs, hosted many public forums, and gathered thousands of written and online inputs in order to create the report. CM Dhami claims that public discussion, consideration, and recommendations led to the creation of the UCC Bill.

Recommendations like outright prohibiting polygamy and child marriage are part of the UCC Uttarakhand 2024 Bill.