We, as an individual in the modern economy should consider utilizing the presence of data in the finance domain. When the market is volatile and portrays severe uncertainty towards a sustainable growth, investors need to understand the importance of risk management. Money is a beautiful topic that demands constant studying and analysis. It could dictate a person’s passion towards nation-building. Today, we want our readers to devote their insights into the remarkable success story of Tradecare, the inclusive education platform to learn trading. 

Shiv Sharma

A Brief History-

Tradecare was founded by Shiv Sharma, who has always valued the efficacy of resilience and patience in trading. The financial market is aligned with precise collaboration of technical understanding which Shiv has grasped beautifully over the years. Tradecare provides resources, courses, and guidance to empower traders with the tools they need to make informed decisions in the dynamic world of trading. 

Tradecare wants to empower individuals to grow themselves as experts in studying the trading market. With the rise of standard of living expenses, it is necessary for every individual to learn the opportunities of the financial markets. When we spoke to Shiv Sharma about his motivation behind Tradecare, he shared the compassion that drove him in the initial days. Tradecare is built on the value of sharing positive impact towards the trading community. 

Struggles and Success Stories-

It was with just Rs. 500 that Shiv Sharma walked towards the limitless possibilities of trading. And in just 1.5 years, he increased that amount to about Rs. 7 lakhs. Shiv’s sheer dedication towards strategy definitely garnered him diverse clarity of the finance domain. Like any journey, Tradecare also faced several challenges. The unpredictability of the trading market made Shiv Sharma lose the capital of about Rs. 7 lakh in just a week. 

Shiv’s story is a testament to the harsh realities of the market and the need for traders to continually evolve and adapt. Shiv Sharma holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree, reflecting a formal education in the field of business and management. 

Key Takeaways-

What’s more interesting about Tradecare is that it provides online classes in real-time to foster interaction and deeper collaboration. Tradecare, under the leadership of Shiv Sharma, expresses that the live format enhances the relevance and applicability of the courses, offering a more personalized and responsive educational environment compared to static, pre-recorded content

When we asked Shiv Sharma about his take on success, he adds, “Persist in doing what you love. There will be days when quitting seems tempting, but it’s in those moments that you must work even harder to achieve your goals.”