Since 2014, Grammarly, which was started by Ukrainians, has donated all of the money it has received from Russia and Belarus to projects that benefit Ukraine. The money it is donating was made between 2014 and 2022, since the start of the war, and totals $5 million. It will now be sent to organisations and funding that are assisting Ukraine and defending the people of the war-torn country. “We are a firm with strong ties to Ukraine. Grammarly was created in Ukraine; our co-founders are Ukrainian, and many of our team members are Ukrainian “In a statement, the firm stated. Grammarly went on to say that it was “completely and wholeheartedly” in solidarity with its colleagues, family, and friends in Ukraine.

“Grammarly has donated $5 million to organisations and funds that assist the people of Ukraine. We are adding a message to our product that will direct users who post about the war to resources for assisting Ukraine. We have also decided to prohibit users from Russia and Belarus from utilising Grammarly products or services “Grammarly’s statement adds.

Grammarly is the most recent in a long list of corporations that have boycotted Russia. As the world community continues to criticise Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with a slew of penalties and bans from sporting events such as the FIFA World Cup and UEFA, more specialised events are following suit. The International Cat Federation has barred Russian cats from competing in international events. The Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe) sanctioned Russian cats after condemning the invasion of Ukraine as an “unprecedented act of aggression.” Russian Vodka’ recently trended on Twitter, as users in the United States and Canada boycotted the popular alcoholic drink to show their support for Ukraine.