Nasa shared a photo of a probe ‘touching’ the Sun for the first time on Instagram.

Nasa announced that one of its probes had ‘kissed’ the Sun for the first time in history, which might be considered a historic milestone. They used Instagram to post a detailed account of the occurrence.

Nasa's post about its probe for the first time 'touching' the Sun goes viral.
Nasa’s post about its probe for the first time ‘touching’ the Sun goes viral.

“We’ve reached out and touched the Sun!” A spacecraft has entered the solar corona for the first time in history, the region of the Sun’s atmosphere where its magnetism and gravity are powerful enough to prevent solar material from escaping. “Earlier this year, our Parker Solar Probe, which was launched in 2018, flew into the Sun’s corona for a brief duration,” they said.

They went on to discuss the significance of the incident and how it will assist scientists to learn more about the Sun in the following lines. “Just as landing on the Moon helped scientists to learn more about how it was formed, contacting the Sun’s core will allow scientists to learn more about our closest star and its impact on the solar system.” The Parker Solar Probe’s trek into the corona, for example, is already assisting astrophysicists in deciphering the origins of strange zig-zags in the solar wind that flows past Earth and other planets. Parker has already completed ten fly-bys of the Sun and will continue to get closer over the following four years as it collects data,” they added.

Nasa closed the article by stating that the image they released was acquired in March 2012 from the Solar Dynamics Observatory. It depicts a massive eruption of solar material that erupted from the Sun’s right side’s surface.

The post has received over 8.7 lakh likes in just nine hours since it was uploaded, and the figure is rapidly growing. People have left a variety of comments in response to the share.

“This is incredible,” one Instagram user said. “Wow, that’s quite an accomplishment!” “Way to go, NASA,” another person said. “OMG! “This is insane,” remarked a third.