Human civilization is destined to evolve through elevated mindset, technology and with an objective to conserve our ecosystem. Afterall, we work, only feel fulfilled, get ahead and share the compassion to keep behind inspiration for the future generations. For the past few decades, rising climate concerns seem to coincide with these goals and are moving towards a direction that evokes counter-productivity. 

Dr. Sachin Shigwan

A Brief History-

It is time we shift our priority towards sustainable development goals. Today, the editorial aims to deliver the pivotal success story of Dr. Sachin Shigwan, also known as ‘The Solar Man of India’. His thought-provoking steps towards shifting India towards solar energy draws attention and demands urgency. 

In 2014, Dr. Sachin Shigwan founded Green India Initiative Pvt. Ltd to foster effective adoption of renewable energy. Most importantly. Dr. Sachin was a remarkable visionary whose upbringing and education revolved around traditional kerosene lamps. Dr. Sachin made it a mission to empower rural India with solar powered lamps and focusing on renewable energy development. We live, only to feel motivated and grateful for the resources gifted to us by Nature. Dr. Sachin, rightly termed as ‘The Solar Man of India’ has been inspiring the nation to embrace clean and green energy. 

Struggles and Success Stories-

With more than a decade of industry experience, Dr. Sachin Shigwan has been implementing the business models of solar energy in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Corporate Environment Responsibility and ESG projects. Dr. Sachin successfully delivered various solar projects with large enterprises, government agencies, non-profit organizations, rural communities and individuals. 

He has been vocal about the fact that solar energy initiative is one of the key practices of philanthropy, and garners insightful business growth and development. He has educated several communities and stakeholders regarding the efficacy of clean energy and synergized Green India Initiative towards being a powerhouse of innovation, research and development. 

Dr. Sachin Shigwan has been engaging with rural communities, sharing insights and importance to them for participating in clear energy programs and developing their livelihood. When it comes to education, Dr. Sachin Shigwan earned an Honorary Doctorate in the field of Rural Development through Solar Energy. He is studying for an MBA in Social Entrepreneurship. 

The Solar Man of India has been resilient in his goals. His extraordinary projects impacted more than 20,000 individuals and communities through the Employee Solar Engagement Program. 

Key Takeaways-

Green India Initiative projects have brought electricity to more than 750 remote villages and schools which enhanced access to education & infrastructure development. Green India Initiative’s approach supported healthcare services through solar electrification and has impacted more than 1,00,000+ lives PAN India.

This is our Dr. Sachin, whose clarity towards a better future defines itself as nothing short of perfection. He has won several awards like TEDx at TEDx Kirit Nagar, Jaipur 2024, Most Trusted Corporate Social Responsibility Consultant in India by Business Tycoon Awards 2024, Best Consultant for Innovative and Sustainable CSR Projects in India by ED Innova 2023 and many more. When we asked Dr. Sachin Shigwan about his take on success, he said, “Remember, everyone’s journey is unique, and success comes in different forms. Define your own version of success and work towards it with passion, dedication, and a strong sense of purpose.  Dream big, work hard, and make a positive impact in your own way.” 

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