Embark on a journey of knowledge as we debunk six common myths surrounding systematic investment plans or SIP investing. As passionate fund managers and investors, it is essential to shed light on these misconceptions and provide clarity on the truth behind systematic investment plans.

SIPs have gained popularity as a disciplined investment strategy, but there are several misunderstandings that need to be addressed. By examining these myths one by one, we aim to empower you with accurate knowledge and enable you to make informed decisions about your investment journey. So, let’s debunk six common SIP myths one by one:

sip investing

Myth 1: SIP is an Investment Product by itself

Many individuals mistakenly believe that a SIP is an investment product on its own. However, this is far from the truth. A systematic investment plan is merely a method of investing in mutual funds. It allows investors to regularly invest a fixed quantum at destined intervals,  generally yearly or daily. The invested amount is used to purchase units of the chosen mutual fund scheme. SIPs offer the advantage of rupee cost averaging, where investors buy more units when prices are low and fewer units when prices are high. 

So, what is the myth here? The myth is that SIPs are standalone investment products that generate returns on their own. In reality, the performance of a SIP depends on the performance of the underlying mutual fund scheme. The key is to select a well-performing mutual fund that aligns with your investment goals and risk appetite. SIPs are just a disciplined way of investing in mutual funds, providing the benefit of regular investing and minimizing the impact of market volatility.

Myth 2: SIP guarantees positive returns on Investments

Now, let’s tackle another common myth surrounding SIPs—the guarantee of positive returns. While SIPs are a popular investment strategy, they do not guarantee positive returns. The returns from SIP investments are subject to market risks, just like any other investment avenue. The performance of the mutual fund and the underlying assets it holds determine the returns. It’s important to remember that the value of investments can fluctuate, and there is always a potential for losses. 

However, SIPs do offer certain advantages that can enhance the potential for long-term returns. By investing a fixed quantum regularly, you profit from rupee cost averaging. This means that over time, you accumulate more units when the market is down and fewer units when the market is up. This strategy can help mitigate the impact of short-term market volatility and potentially generate favourable returns over the long run. 

So, while SIPs don’t guarantee positive returns, they provide a disciplined approach to investing and can be an effective tool for wealth creation if coupled with informed investment choices and a long-term investment horizon.

Myth 3: SIP is only for small investors

Is a systematic investment plan only meant for small investors? Let’s debunk this myth. Many people assume that SIPs are suitable only for individuals with limited financial resources. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. SIPs are a versatile investment strategy that can be adopted by investors of all sizes.

Whether you are a beginner starting with a modest investment amount or a seasoned investor with a substantial portfolio, SIPs can work for you. The key advantage of SIPs lies in their ability to promote disciplined investing and help investors stay committed to their financial goals. By investing a fixed amount regularly, regardless of market conditions, investors cultivate a habit of saving and investing consistently over time.

Moreover, SIPs offer the flexibility to choose investment amounts according to one’s financial capabilities. You can start with a small amount and gradually increase your investment as your financial situation improves. This makes SIPs accessible and adaptable to investors at different stages of their financial journey.

So, whether you are a small investor or someone with a significant investment portfolio, don’t fall for the myth that SIPs are only for a specific group. SIPs are a powerful investment tool that can benefit investors across various financial profiles.

Myth 4: SIP may be done only for equity funds

equity funds

Now, let’s address the misconception that SIPs are exclusively meant for investing in equity funds. While it’s true that SIPs are commonly associated with equity investments, they are not limited to this asset class alone.

SIPs can be utilized to invest in a wide range of mutual fund categories, including debt funds, hybrid funds, and even index funds. The key is to align your investment choices with your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon.

For conservative investors looking for stability and regular income, debt funds can be a suitable option. Debt funds invest in fixed-income instruments such as government bonds, corporate bonds, and treasury bills. By opting for a debt fund systematic investment plan, investors can generate steady returns with relatively lower volatility.

Similarly, hybrid funds offer a blend of equity and debt components, providing a balanced approach to investing. These funds are suitable for investors seeking a combination of growth and stability in their portfolios.

By debunking the myth that SIPs are exclusively for equity funds, investors gain the freedom to diversify their investment portfolio and choose mutual funds that suit their risk appetite and financial objectives.

Myth 5: SIP should be done during Bull Market

Bull Market

One prevailing myth in the investment world is that SIPs should only be initiated during a bull market phase. This belief stems from the assumption that investing when markets are on an upward trajectory will lead to higher returns.

However, timing the market is a challenging task even for seasoned professionals. The truth is, it’s nearly impossible to accurately predict market movements consistently. Instead of trying to time the market, SIPs advocate a strategy of regular, disciplined investing regardless of market conditions.

In fact, SIPs are particularly advantageous during market downturns. When markets experience a correction or downturn, the NAV (Net Asset Value) of mutual fund units may decline. By investing a fixed amount at regular intervals, investors can benefit from rupee cost averaging. This means that they will purchase more units when prices are low and fewer units when prices are high. Over time, this approach can potentially enhance the overall returns and reduce the impact of market volatility.

By debunking the myth that SIPs should only be done during bull markets, investors are encouraged to adopt a long-term perspective and remain consistent with their investment contributions, irrespective of short-term market movements.

Myth 6: SIP Investments may not be modified once registered

The final myth we’ll debunk is the misconception that once registered, SIP investments cannot be modified. This belief may deter investors from initiating a SIP, fearing that they will be locked into their investment decisions.

However, SIPs offer a high degree of flexibility. Investors have the option to modify or pause their SIPs if necessary. Life circumstances, financial goals, and market conditions may change over time, and investors should have the freedom to adapt their investment strategy accordingly.

Whether you want to increase or decrease your investment amount, change the frequency of your investments, or even switch to a different mutual fund scheme, most fund houses provide the necessary flexibility to make such modifications.

It’s important to note that each fund house may have its own rules and procedures regarding SIP modifications. Therefore, investors should familiarize themselves with the specific terms and conditions of their chosen mutual fund provider.

By dispelling the myth that SIP investments cannot be modified, investors gain the confidence to start their SIP journey, knowing that they can make adjustments as per their evolving financial circumstances and investment goals.


In conclusion, understanding the truth behind common SIP myths is essential for investors looking to make informed decisions and maximize their investment potential.

SIPs are not standalone investment products but rather a disciplined method of investing in mutual funds. They do not guarantee positive returns but offer the advantage of rupee cost averaging, which can enhance long-term investment outcomes. SIPs are not limited to small investors but can be embraced by individuals with different financial profiles. Furthermore, SIPs can be utilized for various mutual fund categories beyond equities, allowing investors to diversify their portfolios.

By busting these common SIP myths, investors can approach their investment journey with clarity and confidence. So, let’s debunk the myths, embrace the power of systematic investment plans, and embark on a path toward achieving our financial goals with discipline, patience, and a long-term perspective.

Remember, the key lies in consistent, informed investing rather than getting swayed by misconceptions. Start your SIP journey today and witness the potential benefits it can bring to your investment portfolio.