Users Of Twitter’s Edit Feature May Be Able To Keep Track Of Tweet History

When a tweet is edited, Twitter may generate a new tweet.

Twitter’s new Edit Tweet feature has been making headlines for quite some time. While there were some concerns about the ‘Edit Tweet’ button’s nature, it appears that the new feature may leave a digital trail of your tweet’s history.

“It appears that Twitter’s approach to Edit Tweet is immutable,” developer Manchun Wong says. “Rather than mutating the Tweet text within the same Tweet, it re-creates a new Tweet with the amended content, along with a list of the old Tweets prior to that edit.”

Alessandro Paluzzi, an app researcher, also tweeted screenshots of the new edit button, teasing us with how the feature might look when it goes live on Twitter. Paluzzi shows how the ‘Edit Tweet’ option could appear in the three-dot menu on the right side of your tweets in one screenshot.