The President of Indonesia Opened a $108 Million Floating Solar Power Facility

The 145 MW(ac) or 195 MW(p) Cirata floating photovoltaic (PV) power plant, which is situated in Cirata Reservoir, West Java, was officially opened today.

Indonesia has surpassed Singapore’s Tengeh floating solar power plant to become the home of Southeast Asia’s biggest floating solar power plant

Therefore, to achieve its objective of reaching the peak emission target for the electrical sector by 2030 at the lowest feasible cost

Indonesia must maximize the technological potential of PLTS, which exceeds 3.7 TWp to 20 TWp.

This regulation eliminates the 5% cap on the area of water bodies in reservoirs that can be used for floating solar power plants.

To develop solar PV, Marlistya Citraningrum, Program Manager for Sustainable Energy Access at IESR, views this as a chance to get around land concerns.