Suhail Sameer, CEO of BharatPe, explains the systems in place to prevent slippage

According to BharatPe CEO Suhail Sameer, the fintech company will focus on modifying some governance procedures, such as how procurement is handled within the organization and boosting compliance and transparency.

The corporation has undertaken a comprehensive corporate audit. What findings and corporate governance flaws did the auditors uncover? The word “loopholes” is a powerful one. I don’t believe BharatPe broke any of the specified laws that the corporation was required to follow. The corporate governance study and improvements are more forward-looking, aligned with our upcoming IPO in two years.

What were Alvarez & Marsal’s ultimate findings after auditing the company? The conclusions of A&M and PwC have been communicated to the board, and the substance of those findings is solely known to BharatPe’s board. They’re a lot more forward-thinking… I believe a lot has been made of it – money laundering, for example. But it’s a case of a misbehaving employee. We’ve learned from it, and we’ve put mechanisms in place to hopefully prevent similar events in the future.

What will be the main focus of BharatPe in the future? Scaling the merchant business is one of the company’s main goals. We’ll be releasing one or two new merchant products. By March 2023, we will have increased our annualized total payment value (TPV) from $16 billion to $30 billion.PayBack has 100 million users on the consumer side. Last month, PostPe’s TPV surpassed $50 million, and we expect to end the fiscal year with a TPV of $200 million