Dubai Holiday Home Rentals See Record Income Amid COP28 Tourism Rush

As COP28 concluded with unprecedented tourism inflow, Dubai’s short-term rental market reaped the rewards with rental rates surging over 50%.

Even regular two-bedroom flats in the Downtown District saw substantial rate increases to nearly Dh2,500.

With bookings remaining strong through the festive period until early January, rates are projected to climb further in the coming weeks.

Property owners interviewed indicated rates usually dipped 20% during this period.

However, COP28 threw seasonality out the window, generating bookings back-to-back throughout the month.

Emerging as a popular contender is Dubai Creek Harbour, located near both the airport and Downtown Dubai.

As COP28 concluded with unprecedented tourism inflow, Dubai’s short-term rental market reaped the rewards with rental rates surging over 50%